What is Energy Star and Why is it Important?
There are labels put on the products you buy in order to tell you what is in the product as well as to offer a sense of the warranty and comfort. Although it is common for many people to overlook the label or to buy something without basing their purchase on the label. However, one label that you should be on the lookout for, when purchasing a new system with Cogburn’s Heating and Air Conditioning, is the Energy Star label.
What is Energy Star?
Energy Star is an international program that provides specific guidelines for products that are energy efficient. The program was established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure certain residential and commercial products meet the standards of energy efficiency and produce less greenhouse gases, which means these products will produce a less damaging effect on the environment.
What is the Importance of the Energy Star Label?
Energy Star
The Energy Star logo,pictured to the left, is a blue and white star and typically adhered to products in the form of a label, indicates that the product has been shown to meet the highest standards of energy efficiency put forth by the EPA. The Energy Star logo ensures the product will use about 20% to 30% less energy than is dictated by federal requirements. According to EnergyStar.gov, in order for a product to qualify for an Energy Star label, it must:
- Deliver the performances and features as demanded by the consumers.
- Allow consumers to recover their investment in the product within a reasonable amount of time, if the product cost more than its standard counterpart.
- Contribute significant energy savings
- The product must be verified as an Energy Star approved product through testing of its energy efficiency.
- The product must be widely available and offered by more than one manufacturer.
Purchasing products, such as an HVAC system from Cogburn’s Heating and Air Conditioning, that include the Energy Star label will not only be beneficial for the environment and save you money on your energy costs, but the government has also created rebate and tax incentive programs to benefit homeowners who purchase Energy Star rated appliances, heating and air conditioning units, insulation and/or doors and windows.
Cogburn’s Heating and Air Conditioning is a proud supplier of products that have the Energy Star label. For more information about the Energy Star products and how they can benefit your home, contact Cogburn’s at 940-243-9199 or online www.cogburnsheatingandair.com.