This causes even worse problems for the elderly, athsmatics, and severe allergy sufferers.
Your beautiful “clean” home could be a major source of airborne contaminates that could prevent you and your family from feeling “healthy” and “energetic”. Allergenic particles such as pollen, dust, mold spores, fungi spores, tobacco smoke, dust mites feces, pet hair and pet dander all contribute to poor indoor air quality.
Additionally, common household furnishings such as draperies, carpeting, wall-paper, paints, stains and furniture may continue to “off-gas” potentially toxic fumes for a long time after application or installation. Another health problem associated with a tight home is the relative ease by which viruses and bacteria brought into the home by one person can readily transfer to other people in the home.
The Cogburn’s solution involves an IAQ inspection of your home and utilizing your heating and cooling system as your “Air Treatment Center™”. Our IAQ specialist will provide you with your Air Treatment Center™ options for “whole house” air cleaning.
Three Danger Levels of Indoor Air Pollution
The Centers For Disease Control has created the following danger level graphic to help you discover at which danger level you may find yourself, then continue to our Products page to find out how we can help.