We are frequently asked how long a homeowner should expect their heater furnace to last. And, what are the signs that an aging furnace is no longer efficient or safe?

The answer to this question really depends on the quality of the unit in the home and how well it has been maintained. A general answer is that a typical heater furnace has a life of 16-20 years. But, if the unit is an original builder model that is of lesser quality, the homeowner may not expect more than 12 years of reliable service.

A well maintained unit, even if a lesser quality brand, can last much longer that the average expected life span. Regular maintenance and seasonal checks by one of the professionals from Cogburn’s Heating and Air can literally add years to the life of your system. In fact, a regularly serviced system may actually extend the life of a heating system beyond 20 years.

Warning signs that a heating furnace is reaching the end of  efficient service include noticing the home heating bill is much higher than in years past, having repeated repairs done and noticing the flame in the heater is showing orange flame rather than a blue flame.

Even if the heater furnace is performing well, it may be advantageous to replace it if it is older that 10 years. A newer model will be much more efficient, many times actually saving the homeowner money due to much lower bills and available rebates from the manufacture and possible “green rebate incentives” from your utility provider.

You can trust the team from Cogburn’s to give you an honest and concise evaluation of your heater.  If you need simple maintenance, we will tell you. We only recommend a unit replacement if it is necessary. We have been serving the greater Denton area since 1999 and have an “A” rating from the BBB. Our professional technicians are experts on all brands.

Call us today for a heater check up and evaluation.  866-523-8762.

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